Join the GFMS PTA
Support the PTA by paying the $10 membership fee or join and get involved! Throughout the school year, we support our school by staffing the school library's Fall & Spring book fairs, sell school spirit wear, run school-wide fundraisers, host honor roll breakfasts for 7th and 8th graders, coordinate desserts for the 8th grade BBQ, purchase & set up the 8th grade graduation signs, and more.
Order GFMS Spirit Wear!
Buy spirit wear any time! All items available in Blue & Red. All items delivered to student's homeroom, unless otherwise requested.
Shop our online Spirit Wear Store now!
Executive Board
2024 - 2025
Robyn Steinberg, President
Cynthia Sá, Vice President
Debbie Sinnott, Treasurer
Dawn Seddio, Recording Secretary
Briana Fitzpatrick, Corresponding Secretary
Trustees: Kelly Balem, Amanda Burdick, Daisy Cruz, Amy Palamarczuk, Antonella Poidevin, Matt Steinberg
Box Tops for Education
BoxTops are now submitted by scanning your receipt into the BoxTops app within two weeks of purchase!
Download the App and choose George Fischer Middle School as your school.
To get a complete list of participating products click here.
Don't forget to link your ShopRite Price Plus card to earn eBoxTops!
DeCicco's Fundraiser
If you shop at DeCicco's in Brewster, you can help raise money for students at GFMS! Connect your customer card to "George Fischer Middle" on the DeCicco's website and DeCicco's will donate 1% of all pre-tax sales to our school!
TOPS in Education
You can help GFMS by purchasing participating products at TOPS. TOPS in Education is a program that makes it easy to get money for our school.
Here's how it works:
1. Register your TOPS BonusPlus® at
2. Select your school(s) of choice (grades K-12) from the list of schools that have registered (you may select up to three schools).
3. Purchase participating TOPS brand, Full CircleTM, TopCare®, Tippy Toes, Valu Time® and Best Yet® products with your TOPS BonusPlus® throughout the 2016-2017 TOPS in Education program year.
4. TOPS contributes up to 5% of your purchase to the school(s) you have chosen. The more you shop, the higher percentage we donate!