Contact Advisors via email with questions.

24-25 ART CLUB -  Grades 5-8.  This club is for those who would like to enjoy some additional time exploring artistic opportunities in the art room.  Members will be able to pursue self-directed projects in the medium of their choice, put in additional time on art classroom assignments, and become involved in collaborative ventures with other club members.  Individualized instruction and support will be readily available.  Students are encouraged to share ideas and enjoy immersing themselves in artistic endeavors in the company of their fellow art enthusiasts.  Students may sign up for one quarter of Art Club.   Art Club meets after school. Limit of 24 students per quarter.  Sign up is first come/ first enrolled.  Advisor: Paul D'Amore

24-25 BEST BUDDIES - Best Buddies is a club dedicated to promoting inclusion and creating friendships between students with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their peers. Advisors: Cathy Mahon - and April Roe

24-25 CHESS CLUB – Grades 5-8.  This club meets weekly.  The club includes chess strategy instruction and in- school tournaments.  Beginners are welcome.  Club has a cap of 20 students. Advisor:  Joanna Sweeney-

24-25 Dignity Club – Grades 5-8 -Dignity Club, serves as a safe space for all students. It is a place in which students and staff support one another through dialogue, initiatives, and projects. Dignity club meets after school (day TBD) and alternates between rooms 271 and 234. Advisor: Mindy Troge

24-25 Drama Club Grades 6-8.  This club is for those who want to let their inner actor out and work with a variety of people.  Students perform in one show each year.  Meetings range from once a week to five times a week once the play and cast has been selected.    Co-Advisors Christine Ditota- and Maureen Pio mpio1@carmelschools.orgMusic Director: Aja Broderson - Abroders@carmelschools.orgTicket Information

24-25 Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) – Grades 5-8.  The GFMS chapter of FBLA serves as an important stepping stone for participating in the high school’s chapter of this national, state and local organization.  Members are active in school and community partnerships that exemplify the club’s overall mission of community service; educating themselves and others; and promoting progressive ideas through professional connections.  Students learn best business practices and participate in charitable fundraising activities. Advisor: Dave Robin 

24-25 General Organization (GO) – Grades 5-8.  GO is the student government that represents the GFMS student body. Officers include a President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer as well as student representatives from each homeroom.  The GO is involved in community service projects such as food and clothing collections.  They plan school activities such as dances and keep students informed.  Advisors: Cynthia Tully-

24-25 Homework Club - Grades 5-8 - Teaching Assistants provide opportunities for students of all grades to have access to homework help. All students are welcome to attend.

24-25 Robotics Club – Grades 6-8. Students design and build an autonomous programmable Lego robotic vehicle to perform tasks in an annual regional contest at Dutchess Community College.  Per the rules of the tournament, the team consists of only 10 students.  See for more information.  The middle school competition is called First Lego League (FLL). Advisor:  Mr. Anthony Sottile

24-25 National Junior Honor Society - Grade 8 - 8th graders with a cumulative GPA of at least 94 after 6th/7th grade will be invited to apply.   Students must demonstrate:  Scholarship  Leadership  Service  Character  Citizenship   Students must participate in group volunteer activities and perform individual community service hours. Advisor: Lori Vandemark -   

24-25 Peer Leaders – Grades 7 & 8. Students serve as good role models for incoming 5th graders.  In September Peer Leaders assist with 5th grade orientation.  In addition, they attend Back-to-School Nights as well as Curriculum Nights to assist parents.  They also help at other various events throughout the school year.  These students are hard-working, conscientious and dedicated to their school community.  Students are chosen by an application process that begins at the end of their 6th grade year. Advisor:  Stacy Molison

24-25 Science & Technology Fair – Grades 5-8.  The Science & Technology fair is a great event.  It takes place on Saturday February 15, 2025 and is open to all GFMS students.  Projects can be entered in the categories of biology, physical science, technology, math and earth science.  Awards are given to the first, second and third place winners from each category.  Advisors: Paul D'Amore- and Dave Robin

24-25 Yearbook – Grades 5-8.  The yearbook is a publication of middle school memories.  Meetings are held Wednesdays.  The yearbook staff works on photography, keyboarding, layouts and selling ad and booster space.  Students learn how to design a yearbook page.  Advisors:  Karen Nagel and Fran Russo

Musical Groups

24-25 Jazz Band – is open to students in Grades 7-8.  In addition to traditional band instruments, piano, guitar and bass are also included.  This club provides an opportunity for interested students to learn and perform jazz, rock, blues, and other forms of popular music in an instrumental setting.  The group meets on Mondays.  Performance opportunities are to be determined at this time.   Advisors:  Eric Pecor and Aimee Brainard

24-25 Small Chamber Ensemble -Clarinet Choir: open to all 6th through 8th grade clarinet players. In previous years performances for the HS pops concert as well as an extra-curricular concert are included as part of clarinet choir. Meets weekly on Monday’s. Great opportunity to meet with multiple grade levels and get more playing opportunities. Advisor:  Erika Wahlers - and Meghan Cabral

24-25 Select Strings – Grades 7-8.  Select strings is open to 7th & 8th grade students who play violin, viola, cello, bass, or piano. This ensemble provides students the opportunity to play and record alternative music styles such as pop, rock, bluegrass, and jazz, with the possibility of improvisation and solo playing. Select strings will be meeting until 3:20pm. Co-Advisors: Erin Minieri & Donald Griffith

24-25 Rock Ensemble – Grades 7-8. This club provides an opportunity for 7th and 8th students to learn, perform, and record popular music from many different decades. Rock Ensemble is an auditioned group including approximately 16 singers, 2-3 guitarists, 1-2 bass guitarists, 1-2 keyboard/piano players, and 1-2 students who play drum set. Auditions take place mid to late September. This group meets after school until 4:00PM. Students must have a ride home as there is no late bus at 4.  Co-Advisors: Buddy Griffith   & Aja Broderson -

Sports Intramurals and Modified Sports 2024-25

The Fall Modified Sports Season will begin in September Modified Sports are for 7th and 8th grade students only. The registration window for modified sports will be open in early August.  Please visit the Carmel High School website, Athletics Page, for more information on how to register.

The following sports are offered in the Fall:   Football, Cheer, Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Girls Cross Country, Boys Cross Country, Girls Tennis, Field Hockey, Girls Volleyball, Boys Volleyball.

Please contact Advisors via email, or the Carmel High School Athletic Department 845-225-8447 x460, with questions.

Coach information will be updated periodically as they are appointed.

(Fall 24-25) Modified Field Hockey - Jessica Talreja -

(Fall 24-25) Boys Modified Football - Joseph Garbowski and Alex Beauchesne 

(Fall 24-25) Modified Cross Country - Joseph Raniolo and Dana Schwark

(Fall 24-25) Modified Girls' Soccer - Mike Silvestro 

(Fall 24-25) Modified Boys Soccer - Marc Gard

(Fall 24-25) Modified Girls' Tennis - Mike Coughlin

(Fall 24-25) Modified Girls' Volleyball- Tasha Cucinelli  

(Fall 24-25) Modified Cheer - Rebecca Bartrow and Carmelhscheerleading @gmail


GFMS office will announce any cancellations if information is sent by coaches. 





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GFMS Clubs & Activities Calendar

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Please contact Club Advisors for specific questions.  If there is no advisor listed, the club is not running this year.  When posted you will find Advisor contact information on the Club permission slip and club description online.  Administrator for Clubs & Activities- Ms. Allie Golan and/or Connie Boldish Contact at GFMS:  845-228-2300 ext. 507 

GFMS runs many Clubs and Activities with the goal of meeting many children's interests.   When clubs start, please contact the Club Advisor for information.



Important Forms for Clubs may also be found in the Lobby by the Greeter.