About - Code of Conduct

The GFMS Code of Conduct is detailed on pages 6 through 9 of the Student Agenda Handbook. Below is an age-appropriate, plain language version of this code of conduct, based on the PBIS principles of R. O. C. K., the NYS Dignity Act, and the CCSD mission statement:


Respect for the Rights of Others

As a school community, the students at GFMS are expected to support one another as they all try to reach their academic potential. They will respect the differences of others. Students will help each other to be successful and to enjoy their school experience. There is never a reason to hurt any member of the school community either physically or emotionally.

Technology is a great tool that allows for learning, communication, and entertainment. It is never acceptable to use any technology to make others in our school community feel uncomfortable.

Respect for School Property

GFMS students spend many hours a day together as a school community. All students need to be sure they are keeping the building clean and safe.


The focus of GFMS community is on teaching and learning. Students need to be in school and class on time, prepared for the lesson with their assignments and materials, ready to give their best effort. They need to be dressed in a way that shows they take education seriously, in a way that does not distract others. There is never a reason to interfere with another student’s learning.


Students need to listen to staff directions at all times. They will return the same high levels of respect that they receive from staff. Students are expected to work with the teachers to become successful and productive learners.


All students need to know that they are safe both physically and emotionally at GFMS. While walking in the halls, playing in the gym and recess playground, or riding the school bus, students will be aware of personal space. In the classroom, students will be able to share their thoughts and ideas trusting that they will not be made to feel uncomfortable. Differences will always be solved peacefully, and there are many staff in the building who will assist with this.