Flash Card Assignment Directions

5th graders:

Please have 8 index cards.

Watch the video (on the left) for YOUR instrument only.

As you watch the video please make 8 index cards for note name practice.

You can pause the video, rewind, or stop as many times as you need to finish the index cards

Keep your index cards in a zip lock bag with your name on the outside of the bag, and in your binder


Headjoints & Mouthpieces

Utilize these links to practice on your head joints or mouthpieces

Remember you want to warm-up and practice on just mouthpieces and head joints BEFORE you play

Flutes - click here for Flute headjoint

Clarinet - click here for Mouthpiece & Barrel

Alto Saxophone players - click here for Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece & neck

All Brass Players - click here for brass buzzing

Mallet Percussion grip click here for mallet grip

Playing position

Click on your instrument to see the proper hand posture

Trombone: click here for Trombone proper position

Clarinet: click here for clarinet posture.pdf  

Saxophone: click here for saxophone posture.pdf 

 Flute: click here for flute posture.pdf 

Percussionists click here percussion posture.pdf 

Percussion Videos

Percussionists please watch the video on making index cards for the keyboard

You should be utilizing this worksheet, which was given out in lessons, while making the index cards as well.  Percussionists Only keyboard worksheet.pdf 

Steps for practicing

These videos will walk you through all the STEPS for practicing.
- use these steps EVERYTIME you practice for all examples
*Percussionists when we finger you are playing like a piano

Steps for Practicing

1. Count

2. Letter Name

3. Count AND Finger at the same time

4. Letter Name & Finger at the same time

5. Ta or Tee or Toh, or Too

6. Buzz

7. Air Play

8. Play

9. Check it 

Instrument Fingering Charts

Print off only the page for your instrument 

 Fingering Charts